TTSH rev.9 improvements
feel free to comment on this page improvements (no bugfixes)
Imp.Nr | Name | Section | description | requester |
1 | additional header | AR/ADSR | add a MTA 100 header connected to clock switch left top pin for gatebooster | LED-man |
2 | clockswitch trace | AR/ADSR | add 2 pcb holes or 1x silk mark "trace cut" by usage of a gatebooster | LED-man |
3 | gatebooster mounting | AD/ADSR | add 2 pcb mounting holes for gatebooster near AR/ADSR section | LED-man |
4 | gatebooster power | AD/ADSR | add silkscreen on power header with "Gatebooster PWR" "15v GND -15V" | LED-man |
5 | mainboard power pcb input | mainboard | for better stability for the 5 pole MTA156 header change the pcb close to the switch pcbs.. | LED-man |
6 | switches | mainboard | change the LF/VCO switches closer to the pinsize | LED-man |
7 | VCO waveforms | VCO3 | VCO 3 as VCO2 with all waveforms | LED-man |
8 | Panel -mounting | Frontpanel | add at top mid and bottom middle mounting holes on the panel | LED-man |
9 | VCO 4027 | pcb | Print text in same direction on every board | @Björn Verbruggen (Unlicensed) |
10 | MTA156 header 2pol | mainboard | add a MTA156 header for powerswitch for easier power wiring of the switch | @Björn Verbruggen (Unlicensed) |
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