TTSH Release rev.4
the TTSH v4 is the same Version like TTSH rev.3 - but with bugfixes.
The TTSH v4 is only available by synthcube - Kits, Fullkits, cases - mostly everything you want.
If you're looking for an assembled TTSH or you want a modification, build, repair - Service- contact me
Known Issues:
the Pinout problem of the Dual JFET 2N3954 in the VCO2 section (mainboard) is still available.
Frontpanel - all holes must be enhanced by drilling. all slider cutouts must be reworked with a file
that's not an issue, that's a problem for some users.
Synthcube was informed but still send this panels to customers.
In the Fullkits are many slider pins bend or the lever is broken or bend - you need replacements.
Build Guide from Antony "Fuzzbass" v1.7 (update 29.dec.2019)
added Midi Interface guide in v1.7
failure in previous guide: (1.2) corrected in 1.3 guide and newer
there's a failure with the 4012 VCF card, the capacitors between the matched 2N3904 must be 4x 0,01uF (10nF) C0G or polypropylene caps -
better to organise 1% Polyprop caps, you can mount it from the rearside too.
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how to bugfix:
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.