


Projecttitel:TTSH Case



Duedate: Q2/ 2014

Manufacture link: dsl-man.de

here is my professional case for a TTSH, manufactured by a german woodworker and a german Tolex company

rearpanel is fixed with screws and can unplugged for mounting reverb and others (exept by usage of tolex)

for sale direct from my woodworker or as groupbuy  - feel free to ask me

Studio Version

7,5kg , depth in  25cm or 17cm possible

(Standard ca.64cm breit, ca. 37cm hoch, 25cm tief )





Roadcase Version 5,4kg, 18- 27cm depth possible

(Standard ca.64cm breit, ca. 37cm hoch, 20cm tief plus Deckel)


the Cover isnt final, i have to change the depth

its possible for you to add Tolex byself, the case has enough space between panel and case









first prototyp Case for building the first TTSH from end of 2013:



my own Case built in UK (10/2016)









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how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.