BOM for rev. 6b

BOM for rev. 6b



its only for the rev.6b (its printed on the PCB - left hand to the DC-DC converter)


1601_rev6b_v1.1.xlsx (checked by me)


Mouser: (not approved) but contains the most parts as we use in rev.5-6 with some changes from me, it must be 99% perfect.


don't miss to order a powersupply - wandwart 12V DC 500mA or more



if mouser is out of stock:

PTL60-15O0-104B2 without center detent

or with red led:



internal note:

17x G-628S-0001  gateswitch and SW22

1x GF-642-6010   4PDT switch.  (SW4)

2x 629-GF-326-0001 SW2 and SW21


for Patricks Custom case: add 2x 30mm or less depends on case height, which are M3 Spacer (female - female)

you also need screws for the side panels: 10x M3 10mm  


Don't miss to order the Clock Divider Parts 

1601 Mods

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