VDD 4002 Digital Reverb
Projecttitel: VDD 4002 Digital Reverb
Status: DONE
Startdate: 01.01.2018
Manufacture link: just this website
The VDD 4002 is a Digital Reverb for DIY
Eurorack and 5U/FRAC Format compatible
works on -12/12V - -15V/15V
adjustable HF Filter
good Opamps NE5532
its exclusive available at DIYsynth.de
thats an easy to build module,
ask diysynth.de if you have problems to find parts, the most parts are in his shop and not all parts are listed there.
ID | PCB ID | Name | Quantity | TYPE | Source | |
1 | IC socket | IC socket 8pin | 2 | 1pin | https://www.diysynth.de/diy-components/passive-components/ic-sockets/8-pin-dip-ic-sockel-round.html | |
2 | C1,C2 | Electrolyte capacitor Radial_D5.0mm_P2.00mm | 2 | 10µF | ||
3 | C3,C4 | Electrolyte capacitor Radial_D5.0mm_P2.00mm | 2 | 1µF | ||
4 | C5 | Capacitor WIMA RM2.5mm L4.6mm_W3.0mm_P2.50mm_MKS02_FKP02 | 1 | 22nF | its listed as RM5 there, note it in the order and you get the correct part. | |
5 | C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11 | Filmcapacitor (Polyester) RM2.5mm | 6 | 100nF | its listed as RM5 there, note it in the order and you get the correct part. | |
6 | D1,D2 | Rectifier /diode 1N4001 THT | 2 | 1N4001 | ask diysynth.de | |
7 | THRU | Cliff1384 jack | 1 | THRU | diysynth.de | |
8 | IN | Cliff1384 jack | 1 | IN | ||
9 | J3 | MTA-100-3p header +jack | 1 | THRU | only for non onboard jacks (MOTM) | or use a wire directly on pcb |
10 | J4 | MTA-100-3p header +jack | 1 | IN | only for non onboard jacks (MOTM) | or use a wire directly on pcb |
11 | J5 | MTA-100-3p header +jack | 1 | IN LVL 100KA | or use a wire directly on pcb | |
12 | J6 | MTA-100-3p header +jack | 1 | HP FREQ 100KB | or use a wire directly on pcb | |
13 | J7 | BTDR-2 reverb | 1 | BTDR | banzai - different models: short/medium/long | |
14 | J8 | MTA-100-3p header +jack | 1 | OUT 100KA | or use a wire directly on pcb | |
15 | J9 | MTA-100-3p header +jack | 1 | OUT jack | only for non onboard jacks (MOTM) | or use a wire directly on pcb |
16 | OUT | Cliff1384 jack | 1 | OUT jack | ||
17 | L1,L2 | BEAD-2B (Ferrite Bead) | 2 | 50R 10mhz | https://www.diysynth.de/diy-components/passive-komponenten/Ferrite-Beads/Dual-Ferrite-Bead.html | |
18 | P1 | MTA156 | 1 | MOTM | optional for 5U /MOTM | |
19 | P2 | Pin_Header_Straight_2x08_Pitch2.54mm | 1 | EURO POWER | optional for Eurorack Power | ask diysynth.de |
20 | R1,R6,R17 | 1K 1% resistor | 3 | 1K | ||
21 | R2,R5,R7,R8,R16 | 100k 1% resistor | 5 | 100K | ||
22 | R3,R4 | 8R2 1% resistor | 2 | 8R2 | ||
23 | R9 | 100R 1% resistor | 1 | 100R | ||
24 | R10,R11 | 4K 1% resistor | 2 | 4K7 | ||
25 | R12,R13 | 50k 1% resistor (49k9) | 2 | 50K | 49K9 is ok too | |
26 | R14,R15 | 10K 1% resistor | 2 | 10K | ||
27 | U1,U2 | NE5532 OPAMP DIP-8 | 2 | NE5532 | https://www.diysynth.de/diy-components/aktive-bauteile/ne5532.html | |
28 | U3 | 78L05 TO-92_Inline_Wide | 1 | LM78L05 | in most shops available likle mouser or tme.eu | |
29 | offboard | 100KA (log) Potentiometer 16mm | 2 | alpha 16mm | ||
30 | offboard | 100KB (lin) Potentiometer 16mm | 1 | alpha 16mm | in most shops available likle mouser or tme.eu |
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how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.