BOM TTSH modified rev.1

BOM TTSH modified rev.1

this modified BOM is for TTSH  rev.1  (sale from December 2013)


Here is the Original BOM from the great TTSH (Arp2600 clone)


Mouser cart


please add:

  • 1x Powerswitch 633-CWT12AAS1

  • 1x BC558 (in sum 9 )


some missing parts like Transistors, ICs, Reverb Spring, PSU, connectors, jacks and many more:


do you need some rare Parts or a want to buy a Kit - see here

or ask me:   Patrick (at) DSL-man  (dot) de

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how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

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