BOM TTSH modified rev.1
this modified BOM is for TTSH rev.1 (sale from December 2013)
Here is the Original BOM from the great TTSH (Arp2600 clone)
Mouser cart
please add:
1x Powerswitch 633-CWT12AAS1
1x BC558 (in sum 9 )
some missing parts like Transistors, ICs, Reverb Spring, PSU, connectors, jacks and many more:
Spring reverbs are avaiable from Banzai
PJ301BM Jacks are avaiable from or
Screws are avaiable from me
for speakers you can use Visaton FC8 /FS8 or similar
do you need some rare Parts or a want to buy a Kit - see here
or ask me: Patrick (at) DSL-man (dot) de
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