5U Panel with 4pole Powerconnector

5U Panel with 4pole Powerconnector


what we need:

3x panel in 5U with 1U width

3x switch UM 4pol to break all lines.

3x led holder 5mm

3x led (green or red)

9x powerconnector 4pol (microphone female)  http://www.reichelt.de/B-604/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=4546&artnr=B+604&SEARCH=B+604

9x powerconnector 4pole (microphone male)  http://www.reichelt.de/Mikrofonverbinder-fuer-Funkgeraete/M-604/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=2&ARTICLE=11162&GROUPID=5189&artnr=M+604


Frontpanel file: psucon.fpd

price  33€ on schaeffer.ag frontpanel designer

how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.